The Kentucky National Guard is a unique dual-status force with a federal mission to provide a combat reserve for the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force to fight our nation’s wars and a state mission to provide a response force that answers the call of the Governor to defend the commonwealth. Its history dates back to 1775, when Kentucky was known as Fincastle County, a part of western Virginia. Since its inception, the Kentucky National Guard has not only stood ready as an alert fighting force ready to defend Kentucky and America against those who would destroy our Democratic way of life, but this voluntary citizens Army has also served in times of national disaster.
The Kentucky Army National Guard is authorized approximately 7,250 personnel and has an approximate strength of 6,406 as of November 3, 2022.
Click HERE for information about joining the Kentucky Army National Guard.
Units in the Kentucky Army National Guard are listed below along with their home station readiness center and link to their official organizational Facebook page.
- 751st Troop Command (BNGC, Frankfort)