Officer Branch Information

Officer Branch supports the Kentucky Army National Guard by providing guidance and proactive communication to officers on personnel actions, promotions, officer accessions, General Officer actions, and board requirements. Officer Branch is the conduit for NGB requirements and information.

Contact Us

Officer Branch Chief: (502) 607-1244
Officer Branch NCOIC: (502) 607-1755
Officer Branch NCO: (502) 607-1869

Officer Branch Boards

Officer Assessment Board (OAB):  The OAB was developed to provide career development, mentorship, and feedback to officers.  It was also designed to assist senior leaders in selecting the best officer for positions.  OAB Feedback Guidance

Senior Leader Board (SLB):  The SLB is comprised of MSC Commanders and Directors with the intent to assess the talent of field grade officers and their assignments to best serve the Kentucky Army National Guard.

Selective Retention Board (SRB):  The SRB considers commissioned officers and warrant officers who have completed 20-years of qualifying service for non-regular retirement and assesses their potential for continued service.  FY19 SRB MOI

General Douglas MacArthur Leadership Award (GDMLA):  The GDMLA Board convenes to nominate outstanding company grade officers to compete for the GDMLA nationally.

DA Selection Board:  The DA Board is a centralized board selecting the best qualified officers for promotion.    For a better understanding of the DA Board, review the Officer Mock Board Video.  The FY20 DA Reserve Component Boards Schedule was published on 22 May 2019.  FY20 DA Reserve Component Board Schedule -20190522

Officer Opportunities

Call to Active Duty (CAD):  The CAD program is an opportunity for National Guard and Reserve officers to be assessed into the Active component.  It is not a branch transfer program, rather it is a skills and experience based program that considers officers qualified in their current or requested branch or functional area.  MILPER_19-121_Call to Active Duty Regular Army Program for Selected RC Officers