149th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade

This is the official webpage of the 149th MEB.

Constituted Jan. 21, 1839 in the Kentucky Militia as the Louisville Legion and organized at Louisville. The unit mustered into federal service May 17, 1846 as the first Kentucky Volunteer Infantry Regiment and mustered out of federal service May 17, 1847 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Four years after coming out of the federal service, the unit reorganized June 30, 1851 in the Kentucky Volunteer Militia in Louisville as the Louisville Legion. The Kentucky State Guard re-designated as the Kentucky National Guard in 1912, and the unit mustered into federal service once again at Ft. Thomas in February 1917.

After, the unit reorganized and changed to fit the evolving needs of the Kentucky National Guard. On November 1, 1980 the unit converted and re-designated as the Headquarters Company of the 149th Armored Brigade. The unit’s campaign participation includes Mexican War, Monterey, Civil War, Shiloh, Murfreesborough, Chickamauga, Atlanta, Mississippi 1862, Tennessee 1863, War with Spain, Puerto Rico, World War I, Streamer without inscription, World War II, New Guinea, Leyte, Luzon, GWOT, OIF and OEF. The unit headquarters is currently located in Richmond.

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149th MEB News

Engineers upgrade training site during annual training
July 28, 2020
201st EN update Hidden Valley Training Site 2020

G1 Directorate helps Service Members identify opportunities in periods of economic uncertainty
July 22, 2020
Chaplain (LTC) Angela White advises a member of the Kentucky National Guard on some of the employment services offered at the G1

Ky. Guardsmen respond to Iranian ballistic missile attack
May 29, 2020
Based out of Owensboro, Ky., Members of the 206th Engineer Battalion deployed to the Middle East on July 25, 2019.

Firefighters Set To Deploy to Romania
May 14, 2020
KYARNG Firefighters deploy to Romania 2020

Kentucky MPs receive unique training from Special Forces Group
May 1, 2020
617th MPs train with Special Forces 2020

Local Food Banks able to continue services with Guards help
April 23, 2020

Kentucky Guardsmen lend hand at local food banks
April 7, 2020
Food banks 103rd CHEM BN 2020

Kentucky Brigade Training Officers lead the way
March 30, 2020
Majors Maloney, Watson, and Capt. Miller pose for a photo

Kentucky Guard Soldiers take part in leadership course
March 13, 2020

Kentucky Guardsmen set to Deploy
January 7, 2020
Kentucky Guardsmen set to deploy

149TH MEB Organization

149th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade (Richmond)


149th Brigade Support Battalion (Bowling Green)

198th Military Police Battalion (Louisville)

103rd Chemical Battalion (Burlington)

201st Engineer Battalion (Ashland)

206th Engineer Battalion (Owensboro)