75th Troop Command

This is the official webpage of the 75th Troop Command.

The 75th Troop Command was organized Oct. 1, 1978 in the Kentucky National Guard (Army Component) at Frankfort as Command and Control Headquarters. The unit was re-designated Oct. 1, 1982 as Detachment 1, Headquarters, State Area Command, Kentucky National Guard. In July of 1994 the unit was once again re-designated to what we know it as today: the 75th Troop Command. The unit has no campaign participation credit or decorations at this time. The unit is located in Louisville.

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75th Troop Command News

Governor Beshear visits Kentucky Guard, tours COVID-19 protective equipment warehouse
September 14, 2020
Kentucky Army National Guard troops pause for a photo at the supply warehouse in Frankfort, Ky., Sept. 10, 2020.

Never Forgotten: Honors for fallen Soldier brings family closure after 70 years
August 29, 2020
Cpl. Billie Joe Hash repatriation ceremony

Infantry receive Civil Response Training
August 19, 2020
1-149th Infantry Battalion civil response training

Driver's training improves mission readiness for Infantry battalion
July 30, 2020
Driver's Training 2020

First Chaplain of the Kentucky Militia – James Moore
July 28, 2020
James Moore, early 1800s. Oil on canvas by Samuel Dearborn

Strength through diversity
July 13, 2020
Strength Through Diversity

Medic twins help in COVID fight
July 9, 2020
Twin Medics help fight COVID-19 2020

Military Funeral Honors Team recognized for professionalism and dedication to service in our communities
June 17, 2020

Father and Son with 1163rd ASMC Deploy to Poland
May 14, 2020
1163rd ASMC father and son deploy to Poland

Guard Celebrates National Nurses Week
May 6, 2020
National Nurses Week, 1163rd ASMC 2020

75th Troop Command

75th Troop Command (Louisville)


41st Civil Support Team (Louisville)

Kentucky Medical Detachment (BNGC, Frankfort)

1st Battalion, 149th Infantry Regiment (Barbourville)

20th Military Intelligence Company, 20th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Louisville)