75th Troop Command

This is the official webpage of the 75th Troop Command.

The 75th Troop Command was organized Oct. 1, 1978 in the Kentucky National Guard (Army Component) at Frankfort as Command and Control Headquarters. The unit was re-designated Oct. 1, 1982 as Detachment 1, Headquarters, State Area Command, Kentucky National Guard. In July of 1994 the unit was once again re-designated to what we know it as today: the 75th Troop Command. The unit has no campaign participation credit or decorations at this time. The unit is located in Louisville.

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75th Troop Command News

TAG, Leaders of 75th TC visit troops in Europe
March 22, 2024
Also with him during the visit were Command Sgt. Maj. Jesse Withers, the state command sergeant major, Col. Jason Penn, commander of the 75th Troop Command and Command Sgt. Maj. Benzie Timberlake, command sergeant major of the 75th Troop Command.

Civil support team completes interagency certificates
March 7, 2024
Kentucky Army National Guard Staff Sergeants Zachary Baise and Jawan Smith, both members of the The Kentucky National Guard's 41st Civil Support Team, conducted their Training Proficiency Evaluation with ARNORTH at a Jim Beam warehouse in Boston, Kentucky, Mar. 7, 2024. (Kentucky Army National Guard photo by Capt. Cody Stagner)

75th Troop Command Unit Hosts Maintenance Terrain Walk
January 22, 2024
The MTW is a leader development program for battalion commanders. Its purpose is to assure a high level of awareness and command interest in field maintenance by ensuring senior commanders understand how their maintenance program operates.

Drerup recognized by Supreme Allied Commander Europe for leadership
December 8, 2023
Capt. Sarah Drerup receives the Supreme Allied Commander Europe's Recognition Award

Kentucky Guardsman completes Ranger school on first go 
December 6, 2023
McKie-Miller aced every challenge of the Ranger training on his first attempt and finished the course in 62 days, the shortest time possible for training, crediting both luck and skill.

Kentucky infantry wins national award for readiness
November 28, 2023
The MG Robert G. Moorhead National Guard and Army Reserve Breakfast at the AUSA 2023 Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., Monday, Oct. 9, 2023. (Carol Guzy for AUSA)

Honoring a legacy: a tribute to LTC Jeff Cole
November 20, 2023
Christi Cole Pope speaks to attendees at an armory naming ceremony in Middlesboro, Kentucky, on Nov. 17, 2023.

Kentucky National Guard MP promoted to Sgt. Maj. through mentorship
November 14, 2023
Army 1st Sgt. Naarah Stallard (left) receives congratulations from Command Sgt. Maj. John D. Sallee, the retired sergeant major for the 198th Military Police Battalion at her promotion ceremony in Louisville, Kentucky on October 15, 2023. Stallard was pinned to sergeant major by Sallee at the ceremony. (U.S. Army National Guard photo courtesy of Command Sgt. Maj. Naarah Stallard)

Kentucky National Guard selects the Best Warriors of 2024
November 8, 2023
Soldiers who competed in Kentucky's Best Warrior Competition received trophies during a ceremony held in Wendell H. Ford Regional Training Center in Greenville, Kentucky, November 5, 2023. From left: Spc. Jackie Zheng, Soldier of the Year; Command Sgt. Maj. Benzie Timberlake, 75th Troop Command; Sgt. Jerry Marksbury III, NCO of the Year Runner-Up; Sgt. Robert Buck, NCO of the Year; Command Sgt. Maj. Aaron Lester, 149th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade; and Spc. Stephen Shelton, Soldier of the Year Runner-Up.  (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Capt. Cody Stagner)

National Guard Armory named after NCO who served decades to the Guard
September 25, 2023
The wife of 1st Sgt. Ottis W. Capps, Sherry [left] and their two sons, Jeff and Jason, unveil the new bronze plaque at the Harlan National Guard Armory in Harlan, Kentucky on Sept. 21, 2023. The National Guard armory was named after 1st Sgt. Ottis W. Capps who served as the Alpha Company, 1-149th Infantry full-time support for over 30 years and was a cornerstone of the Harlan National Guard community during his career. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Andy Dickson)

75th Troop Command

75th Troop Command (Louisville)


41st Civil Support Team (Louisville)

Kentucky Medical Detachment (BNGC, Frankfort)

1st Battalion, 149th Infantry Regiment (Barbourville)

20th Military Intelligence Company, 20th Special Forces Group (Airborne) (Louisville)