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NEWS | Oct. 14, 2020

John Brown's raid and the establishment of the Kentucky State Guard

By John Trowbridge Kentucky National Guard Public Affairs Office

John Brown's raid was an effort by abolitionist John Brown and his compatriots to initiate an armed slave revolt in October 1859, by taking over the United States Arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Va.

From Oct. 16-18, Brown and his eighteen followers held off the state militias of Maryland and Virginia. 1st Lt. Israel Greene and his company of U.S. Marines finally defeated Brown and his raiders. Brevet Lt. Col. Robert E. Lee was in overall command of the operation to retake the arsenal.
The Commonwealth of Virginia charged Brown with treason, murder, and leading slaves to rebel. Brown was found guilty of all charges and sentenced to death by hanging on Dec. 2, 1859.

Virginia authorities feared other radical abolitionists might attempt to rescue Brown from the gallows. They ordered 1,500 militiamen to provide security for the hanging. One of those men standing in the ranks of the Richmond Grays was Private John Wilkes Booth, the man whom some historians refer to as "the man who fired the last shot of the Civil War."

On the day of his hanging, authorities kept the crowd away from Brown so they would not be able to hear his final speech. However, Brown befriended one of his jailers and slipped him a note. The note was published in newspapers across the nation after his death:

"I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land: will never be purged away; but with Blood. I had as I now think: vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed, it might be done."

Brown's prophetic words would soon come to fruition. In his final message, Brown seemed to be calling for war to put an end to slavery. Some historians have stated that the raid was a failure in the short term. However, it contributed to the 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln, the secession of seven states to form the Confederacy, and, ultimately, the American Civil War.

Following the raid, the Southern Slave States saw Brown as a traitor and threat to the nation. To abolitionists, his principles were admirable. Nevertheless, they saw him as misguided and unsuccessful.

Although Brown's raid failed, it left a strong impression on the south. Southerners were in fear of slave uprisings and invasion by armed abolitionists. Even before his execution, some southern states began to evaluate their State Militia laws and organizations because the Federal Government had to put down the insurrection. Both North and South anticipated war. Changes to States' militia laws and the organization of new companies began to occur across the country. These new commands focused on preparedness rather than the pageantry displayed by the militia of antebellum America.

If a raid had occurred in Kentucky at this time, how well would Kentucky's Militia have fared?

One Kentucky newspaper defined the Kentucky militia as "holiday parade companies, scattered through the different cities in the state;" the state at one time had "something like an organization, and that the sap-head at Frankfort abolished that some time ago;" and "sounds of the fife and drum were now strangers to the ears of our people."

Another description from the time stated, "Should any sudden emergency arise, we would have to rely upon individual, unorganized exertion to meet it, and experience teaches us that it will not do to place implicit faith in this."

Pages 83-85, of the Military History of Kentucky, gives an idea of the organization and its status at the time of Brown's raid:

"Until 1850, every able-bodied white man from eighteen to forty-five years of age was a potential Soldier. In that year, militia musters were discontinued throughout the state because the new state constitution provided that "the militia of the Commonwealth shall consist of all free able-bodied male persons (Negroes, mulattoes, and Indians excepted) resident in the same, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years."

However, they made no mention of their arming or organization as a military force. The law in effect before the third constitution became operative was now obsolete.

In 1851, the legislature reestablished a de facto military organization. This session's acts directed the mustering of such residents as were contemplated by the constitution as the state's enrolled military force. Under the same law, companies mustered in April, battalions mustered in May, brigades mustered in September, and regiments mustered in October. An amendment of Mar. 7, 1854, provided for a state-wide regimental muster on the first Saturday in June 1859, and after that in every sixth year on the first Saturday in June. This was to be the only muster.

As with her sister Southern States, Kentucky would have been ill-prepared and equipped to handle the situation. Newspapers and citizens' groups across Kentucky were calling for:

"A thorough reorganization of the militia system of the Commonwealth. Under our (current) laws upon the subject, there is no enrollment of the militia of the state in consequence of which we do not receive half the quota of arms from the government we are annually entitled to. In case of insurrection, the enforcement of the laws by the executive, the suppression of mobs, or protection from internal or external danger, there is scarcely a single volunteer company which could be called into service. The existing laws should be repealed; volunteer companies should be formed in every county of the state; regular drills should be required; an encampment of several days in each district should be annually appointed by law; the martial spirit of our people should be revived, and a thorough reorganization of the militia, connected with the volunteer system, should be effected. Threatening dangers and a sense of security require it. The Harpers Ferry affair warns us that we know not at what moment we may have need of an active, ardent, reliable, patriotic, well-disciplined, and a thoroughly organized militia in Kentucky."

Brown's raid led to the reorganization of the Kentucky Militia into the Kentucky State Guard. On Mar. 5, 1860, Kentucky's Legislature made provision for reorganizing the Kentucky Militia into a State Guard. The new Act divided the entire militia into three classes, namely: The active or volunteer militia to be known as the State Guard, the enrolled militia, and the militia of reserve. This Act made provisions for organizing the State Guard into companies, regiments, and brigades.

The passage of the State Guard law and then the growing belligerency--between the Northern and Southern states--stimulated the organization of State Guard companies. Several regiments were formed in the state, and active drilling continued until what had once been ridiculed as a "Cornstalk Militia" evolved into a body of men that ranked among the best drilled troops in the West.

Selected to be in charge of the newly created Kentucky State Guard was an inspector general, Simon Bolivar Buckner. Buckner was a native Kentuckian, West Point graduate, and retired Captain of the U.S. Army. Buckner was commissioned as a Major General for his appointment.

During this time, Scott Brown, a native of Franklin County and political appointee, entered the office on Sept. 12, 1859, resigning when war was declared.
A report from General Buckner made in January 1861 showed the state as owning 11,283 muskets, 3,159 rifles, 2,873 cavalry arms outfits, and 53 fieldpieces. On conditions of the militia, the report showed "forty-five companies admirably drilled in rifle tactics, were handsomely uniformed and fully armed and equipped." The legislature that received this report made no appropriation for further arming the state.

On Apr. 21, 1861, the Civil War began. Initially, Kentucky attempted to be neutral in the conflict, using the State Guard to protect her borders.

A proclamation by Governor Magoffin reconvened the legislature on May 6, 1861, and urged for an arms appropriation. He proclaimed a sum of $75,000 was to be used for the purchase of munitions, and none was to be used against the United States or the Confederate States, except to repel an invasion.

Neutrality did not work for Kentucky, as members of the Kentucky State Guard joined the ranks of both North and South.

By mid-1861, the Kentucky State Guard ceased to exist. The majority of the State Guard answered the call of the Confederacy, while Kentuckians, in general, joined the Union Army 2 to 1. The State of Kentucky remained in the Union. However, Frankfort, the State capitol, has the distinction of being the only Union state capitol captured by the Confederacy during the war.

By war's end, an estimated 618,222 to 750,000 Confederate and Union Soldiers and Sailors were either killed, died, wounded, or missing. Brown's maxim, "crimes of this guilty land: will never be purged away; but with Blood," had been realized.


Miscellaneous information about the Kentucky State Guard:

West Point Graduates in the Kentucky State Guard.
Simon Bolivar Buckner. Class of 1844.
Hylan B. Lyon. Class of 1856.
Lloyd Tilghman. Class of 1836.
Abraham Buford. Class of 1841.
Ben Hardin Helm. Class of 1851.

Future Adjutant Generals of Kentucky.
Two individuals who served in the Kentucky State Guard would go on to fight in the Civil War, one for the Union and one for the Confederacy. They would both go on to serve as the Adjutant General of Kentucky.
Nineth Adjutant General: DANIEL WEISIGER LINDSEY. Adjutant General of Kentucky: 1864 – 1867. Served in the Union Army during the war.
Fourteenth Adjutant General: JOSEPH PREYER NUCKOLS. Adjutant General of Kentucky: 1879 – 1883. Served in the Confederate Army during the war.

Uniform of the Kentucky State Guard.
General Order No. 5, Headquarters, Kentucky State Guard, Louisville.
Jul. 18 1860.
The full-dress coat (frock) and trousers would be of "cadet" gray cloth, and patterned after those of the French infantry of the line. A shoulder strap is adopted instead of epaulettes, thus doing away with the square-shoulder appearance caused by the epaulette; thus allowing the symmetrical bend and form of the shoulder to be seen. The fatigue dress is exactly similar to that of the French Chasseurs as Pied.

Organization of the Kentucky State Guard.
Information for this section comes from various sources, i.e., Scott Brown's, Officers of the Kentucky State Guard 1860 – 1861; 1939 Adjutant General's Report, Military History of Kentucky; Armando J. Alfaro's, The Paper Trail of the Kentucky National Guard; Special Orders, Kentucky State Guard; various newspaper across the Commonwealth.
There were units of the Kentucky State Guard located in 55 counties throughout Kentucky. Due to poor record keeping, eight units have personnel assigned, however, no official organization date is listed, five units have no personnel assigned nor an official date of organization, one company has an organizational date with no personnel listed. Additionally, four units made name changes and, a couple units had to split into separate units due to the large number of members. Initially, units were made up of men with different political ideas and beliefs, most were in support of Kentucky's stand on neutrally. As the members of the Kentucky State Guard and the citizens of the state's loyalties became more politically divided, so did the structure and develop of the units of the State Guard.
Major General Simon Bolivar Buckner, Inspector General and Commander of the Kentucky State Guard. Appointed, May 5 1860.

Lieutenant Colonel William Preston Johnson, Aide-de-Camp. Appointed, May 9 1860.
Lieutenant Colonel Charles F. Johnson, Aide-de-Camp. Appointed, Jan. 8 1861.

Colonel Ben Hardin Helm, Assistant Inspector General, Assistant Inspector General. Appointed,
May 5 1860.
Major Alexander Casseday, Adjutant. Appointed, Jan. 8 1861.
Sergeant Columbus Brockenbough, Adjutant General's Office, K. S. G.
Resigned, Apr. 22 1861.
Sergeant Thomas N. Eastin, Assistant, Adjutant General's Office, K. S. G.
Colonel Frank Tryon, Assistant Quartermaster General, Assistant Commissary General, K. S. G.
Appointed, May 5 1860.
Captain Philip Vacaro, Subsistence Department, K. S. G. Appointed, Sept. 1 1860.
Captain William S. Dehoney, Quartermaster Department, K. S. G.
Appointed, Nov. 21 1860.
Sergeant E. T. Crane, Quartermaster Sergeant, Quartermaster's Department, K. S. G.
Sergeant George T. Shaw, Quartermaster Sergeant, Quartermaster's Department, K. S. G.
Captain Henry J. Lyons, Quartermaster Department at Lexington.
Appointed, Feb. 19 1861.
Colonel [Dr.] Isaac W. Scott, Assistant Surgeon General. Appointed, May 9 1860.
First Lieutenant F. W. McCabe, Assistant Surgeon. Appointed, Jan. 12 1861.
First Lieutenant Edward W. Meglone, Assistant Surgeon. Appointed, Jan. 8 1861.
First Lieutenant Charles A. Fischer, Assistant Surgeon. Appointed, Jan. 8 1861.
Major Joseph W. Benson, Surgeon, Headquarters, K. S. G. Appointed, Jan. 12 1861.
Major A. B. Cook, Surgeon at Louisville. Appointed, Jan. 8 1861.
First Lieutenant J. P. Phister, Surgeon at Louisville. Appointed, May 1861.
Major E. L. Dudley, Surgeon at Lexington. Appointed, Jan. 8 1861.
Major Henry M. Skillman, Surgeon at Lexington. Appointed, Jan. 8 1861.
Captain L. B. Todd, Assistant Surgeon at Lexington. Appointed, Feb. 19 1861.
Colonel George B. Hodge, Paymaster General.
Colonel Charles D. Pennebaker, Assistant Paymaster General. Appointed, May 5 1860.
Colonel Samuel Gill, Chief Engineer Kentucky State Guard. Appointed, Sept. 1 1860.
Captain James Noequet, Corps of Engineers. Appointed, May 16 1861.
Captain George S. Stealey, Topographic Engineers. Appointed, Jun. 4 1861.
Second Lieutenant Theodore H. Lowe, Corps of Engineers. Appointed, Jan. 18 1861.
Second Lieutenant Henry M. Curd, Corps of Engineers. Appointed, Jan. 8 1861.
Second Lieutenant M. M. Benton, Corps of Engineers at Covington. Appointed, Jun. 6 1861.
Captain R. T. Glass, Ordnance Department. Appointed, Jan. 9 1861.
First Lieutenant Rice E. Graves, Ordnance Department. Appointed, Jun. 3 1861.
Second Lieutenant William E. Milton, Ordnance Department. Appointed, Jan. 8 1861.
Major James A. Beattie, Judge Advocate General. Appointed, Aug. 9 1860.
Major William Atwood, Judge Advocate General. Appointed, Jun. 6 1861.
Reverend James Craik, D. D. Chaplain.

Special Orders Nos. 145 (dated May 29 1861) and 161 (dated Jun. 7 1861) appointed 51 individuals as Military Inspectors of their respective county on the Staff of the Kentucky State Guard with the rank of Major. The majority of these individuals were prominent members of the local community. [Section 3, amendment to the Militia Law, approved Apr. 4 1861.]

Anderson County: Jun. 7 1861. Major Joseph H. D. McKee, Lawrenceburg.
Bath County: May 29 1861. Major William G. Conner, Owingsville.
Boone County: Jun. 7 1861. Major [Dr.] S. S. Scott, Booneville.
Bourbon County: May 29 1861. Major R. H. Lindsay, Paris.
Boyd County: May 29 1861. Major George N. Brown, Catlettsburg.
Boyle County: Jun. 7 1861. Major Charles H. Rochester, Danville.
Breathitt County: May 29 1861. Major James Henderson Hargis, Jackson.
Bullitt County: May 29 1861. Major Wilhide Carpenter, Shepherdsville.
Caldwell County: May 29 1861. Major J. P. McGoodwin, Princeton.
Calloway County: Jun. 7 1861. Major G. A. C. Holt, Murray.
Carroll County: Jun. 7 1861. Major P. O. Turpin, Carrollton.
Carter County: May 29 1861. Major James Hannah, Grayson.
Clark County: May 29 1861. Major Roy Stuart Cluke, Pine Grove.
Daviess County: May 29 1861. Major John H. McHenry, Owensboro.
Fayette County: May 29 1861 . Major D. S. Goodloe, Lexington.
Fayette County: Jun. 7 1861. Major Speed S. Goodloe, Lexington.
Fleming County: May 29 1861. Major E. S. Fitch, Flemingsburg.
Floyd County: May 29 1861. Major John M. Burns, Prestonsburg.
Franklin County: Jun. 7 1861. Major [Colonel] Ambrose W. Dudley, Frankfort.
Greenup County: May 29 1861. Major H. M. Rust, Greenupsburg.
Hardin County: Jun. 7 1861. Major H. E. Read, Elizabethtown.
Harlan County: May 29 1861. Major Carlo Britain, Mt. Pleasant.
Hickman County: May 29 1861. Major W. D. Lanham, Fulton.
Jefferson County: Jun. 7 1861. Major Andrew Monroe, Louisville.
Jessamine County: Jun. 7 1861. Major Allen Lawrence McAfee, Nicholasville.
Johnson County: May 29 1861. Major Daniel Hager, Paintsville.
Kenton County: May 29 1861. Major C. G. Wallace, Covington.
Knox County: May 29 1861. Major John G. Eve, Barbourville.
Lawrence County: May 29 1861. Major William Vinson, Louisa.
Letcher County: May 29 1861. Major [Colonel] Joseph Cornett, Whitesburg.
Lincoln County: Jun. 7 1861. Major [Colonel] J. Warren Grigsby, Stanford.
Lyon County: Jun. 7 1861. Major [Captain] Hylan Benton Lyon, Eddyville.
Madison County: Jun. 7 1861. Major Thomas F. Stone, Richmond.
Magoffin County: May 29 1861. Major Henry Hager, Salyersville.
Mason County: May 29 1861. Major R. H. Stanton, Maysville.
Meade County: Jun. 7 1861. Major Jesse S. Taylor, Brandenburg.
Mercer County: Jun. 7 1861. Major William A. Hooe, Harrodsburg.
Montgomery County: May 29 1861. Major O. S. Tenny, Mt. Sterling.
Morgan County: May 29 1861. Major [Dr.] W. G. Carter, West Liberty.
Nelson County: May 29 1861. Major J. D. Elliott, Bardstown.
Ohio County: Jun. 7 1861. Major Thomas C. Taylor, Cool Springs.
Oldham County: May 29 1861. Major R. T. Jacob, Westport.
Perry County: May 29 1861. Major Robert S. Combs, Hazard.
Pike County: May 29 1861. Major [Colonel] Thomas C. Cecil, Piketon.
Powell County: May 29 1861. Major A. C. Daniel, Stanton, resigned: Jul. 22 1861.
Rockcastle County: Jun. 7 1861. Major J. Newcum, Mt. Vernon.
Scott County: May 29 1861. Major Benjamin F. Bradley, Georgetown.
Shelby County: May 29 1861. Major Walter C. Whitaker, Shelbyville.
Simpson County: May 29 1861. Major [Dr.] P. B. Tannehill, Franklin.
Trimble County: May 29 1861. Major James Young, Bedford.
Woodford County: May 29 1861. Major J. Kemp Goodloe, Versailles.

Brigadier General Thomas L. Crittenden. Appointed, Jun. 8 1861.
Major Daniel W. Lindsey, Adjutant. Appointed, Sept. 24 1861.
Captain Lewis E. Harvie, Aide-de-Camp. Appointed, Jul. 1 1861.
Captain George B. Monroe, Aide-de-Camp. Appointed, Sept. 24 1861.
Major J. Watson Barr, Brigade Inspector, Staff of Thomas L. Crittenden.
Appointed Sept. 24 1861.
Major E. L. Starling, Quartermaster, Staff of Thomas L. Crittenden.
Appointed, Sept. 21 1861.

First (Blue Grass) Regiment of Infantry—organized Nov. 6 1860, S. O. #25.
Colonel Roger Weightman Hanson. Appointed, Nov. 23 1860.
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas B. Monroe. Appointed, Nov. 23 1860.
Major R. N. Woolley, First Battalion, First Regiment.
Appointed Jun. 2 1861. Resigned Sept. 20 1861.
Richard C. Morgan, Adjutant. Appointed, Jan. 5 1861.
Captain Joseph C. Carter, Surgeon. Appointed, Jan. 5 1861. Resigned, Apr. 25 1861.
Captain Theophilus Steele, Surgeon. Appointed Apr. 30 1861, vice Joseph C. Carter.
George T. Cotton, Quartermaster. Appointed, Jan. 5 1861.
Charles N. Hamey, Paymaster. Appointed, Jan. 5 1861.
The Regiment consisted of the following Battalions:
First Battalion. Lexington Battalion.
Second Battalion. Bourbon Battalion.
Third Battalion. Kentucky River Battalion.

Second Regiment of Infantry—organized Apr. 20 1861, S. O. #66.
Colonel Thomas H. Hunt. Appointed, Apr. 24 1861.
Lieutenant Colonel J. H. Morton Morris. Appointed, Jun. 8 1861.
Major Robert McKee, Second Battalion, Second Regiment. Appointed Jun. 8 1861.
Captain Henry W. Gray, Quartermaster. Appointed, May 17 1861.
Captain [Dr.] Thomas Palmer Satterwhite, Surgeon. Appointed, May 17 1861.

Third Regiment of Infantry—organized May 1861.
Colonel Thomas L. Crittenden. Appointed, May 8 1861.
Lieutenant Colonel Hubbard T. Buckner. Appointed, May 8 1861.

Fourth Regiment of Infantry—organized May 1861.
Colonel Lloyd Tilghman. Appointed, May 20 1861.

Louisville Battalion—organized May 7 1860, S.O. #1.
Major Thomas H. Hunt. Appointed, May 25 1860.
First Lieutenant [Dr.] Thomas Palmer Satterwhite, Assistant Surgeon.
Appointed, Aug. 21 1860.
Company 1. Citizens Guards, Louisville.
Company 2. National Blues, Louisville.
Company 3. Jackson Guards, Louisville.
Company 4. Hardin Company of Light Infantry, Elizabethtown.
Company 5. Nelson Grays, Bardstown.
Company 6. Bitter Water Blues, Shepherdsville.
Company 7. Citizens' Artillery, Louisville.

Bourbon Battalion—organized Jun. 13 1860, S.O. #2.
Major H. M. McDowell. Appointed, Jun. 23 1860.
Company 1. Flat Rock Greys, Flat Rock.
Company 2. Kentucky Guards, Leesburg.
Company 3. Bourbon Rangers, N. Middletown.
Company 4. Harrison Rifles, Cynthiana.

Green River Battalion—organized Jun. 13 1860, S.O. #3.
Major P. B. Hawkins. Appointed, Jun. 23 1860.
Company 1. The Warren Voltiguers, Bowling Green.
Company 2. The Logan Guards, Russellville.

Lexington Battalion—organized May 7 1860, S.O. #1.
Major Thomas P. Johnson. Appointed, May 19 1860.
Company 1. Governor's Guards, Frankfort.
Company 2. Lexington Rifles, Lexington.
Company 3. Union Greys, Georgetown.
Company 4. Lexington Chasseurs, Lexington.
Company 5. Woodford Blues, Versailles.
Company 6. Bourbon Rangers, North Middletown.
Company 7. Governor's Red Artillery, Frankfort.

Lexington Battalion—reorganized Jun. 15 1860, S.O. #4.
Major Abraham Buford. Appointed, Jun. 23 1860.
Company 1. Governor's Guard, Frankfort.
Company 2. Governor's Red Artillery, Frankfort.
Company 3. Lexington Rifles, Lexington.
Company 4. Lexington Chasseurs, Lexington.
Company 5. Union Greys, Georgetown.
Company 6. Woodford Blues, Versailles.
Company 7. Jessamine Rifles, Nicholasville.
Company 8. Mount Vernon Guards, Mount Vernon (Nov. 6 1860).
Company 9. Winchester Guards, Winchester (Nov. 6 1860).

Marion Rifle Battalion—organized Aug. 11 1860, S.O. #5.
Major William E. Woodruff, commanding. Appointed Aug. 15 1860.
Joseph R. Peach, Adjutant.
R. G. Hawkins, Commissary and Paymaster.
Dr. R. Pirtle, Assistant Surgeon.
William Jackson, Sergeant Major.
M. J. Wright, Quartermaster Sergeant.
James Mathews, Drum Major.
John Hughes, Commissary Sergeant.
Company A, Marion Rifles, Louisville.
Company B, Marion Rifles, Louisville.

Salt River Battalion—organized Sept. 7 1860, S.O. #12.
Major Thomas H. Hays. Appointed, Sept. 22 1860.
Company 1. Bitter Water Blues, Shepherdsville.
Company 2. Hardin County Light Infantry, Elizabethtown.
Company 3. Salt River Rangers, Pitts Point.
Company 4. Nelson Greys, Bardstown.
Company 5. Beechfork Rangers, Fredericktown. (Nov. 6 1860).

Shelby Battalion—organized Sept. 8 1860, S.O. #13.
Major Harvey M. Buckley. Appointed, Sept. 24 1860.
Company 1. Shelby Guards, Simpsonville.
Company 2. Minnie Greys, Shelbyville.
Company 3. New Castle Guards, New Castle.
Company 4. Trimble Rifles, Bedford.

On Nov. 6 1860, S. O. #18. General Buckner directed that "until the formation of other companies will justify a separate organization the following named companies are assigned to the respective battalions named, viz:
The Mount Vernon Guards to the Lexington Battalion.
The Winchester Company to the Lexington Battalion.
The Beechfork Ranger to the Salt River Battalion.

Adair Battalion—organized Nov. 7 1860, S.O. #19.
Major Edward H. Hobson. Appointed, Nov. 24 1860.
Company 1. Greensburg Guards, Greensburg.
Company 2. Adair Guards, Columbia.
Company 3. Pulaski Sentinels, Somerset.
Company 4. Clinton Guards, Albany.

Henderson Battalion—organized Nov. 6 1860, S.O. #20, also S. O. #27, dated Dec. 8 1860.
Major William H. Miller. Appointed, Dec. 15 1860.
Company 1. Henderson Guard, Henderson.
Company 2. Henderson Cavalry, Henderson.
Company 3. Uniontown Riflemen, Uniontown.

Kentucky River Battalion—organized Nov. 6 1860, S.O. #21.
Major John B. Major. Appointed, Nov. 23 1860.
Major Alexander Wake Holeman. Appointed, Aug. 15 1861.
First Lieutenant John L. Phythion, Assistant Surgeon. Appointed, Dec. 7 1860.
Company 1. Governor's Guards, Frankfort.
Company 2. Governor's Red Artillery, Frankfort.
Company 3. Woodford Blues, Versailles.
Company 4. Woodford Greys, Millville.
Company 5. Owenton Guards, Owenton.

Morgan Battalion—organized Nov. 6 1860, S. O. #22.
Major Thomas Bristow. Appointed, Dec. 1 1860.
Company 1. Mountain Rangers, West Liberty.
Company 2. Morgan Legion, Morgan County.
Company 3. Wolfe Rangers, Wolfe County.
Company 4. Campton Greys, Campton.
Company 5. Mountain Greys, Jackson.

South West Battalion—organized Nov. 6 1860, S.O. #23.
Major Lloyd Tilghman. Appointed, Dec. 3 1860.
Adjutant John S. Shields, and Paymaster. Appointed, Mar. 1 1861.
Company 1. Paducah City Guards, Paducah.
Company 2. Clinton Rifles, Clinton.
Company 3. Mayfield Company, Mayfield.

Licking River Battalion—organized Nov. 8 1860, S. O. #24.
Major Samuel K. Hays. Appointed, Nov. 23 1860.
First Lieutenant William Hays, Assistant Surgeon. Appointed, Dec. 20 1860.
Company 1. Kentucky Grays, Covington.
Company 2. Pendleton Grays, Falmouth.
Company 3. Marion Artillery, Covington.
Company 4. Bozaris Greys, Germantown.

Ohio River Battalion—organized no date given.
Company 1. Bedford Greys, Bedford. S. O. #77, dated Apr. 22 1861.

Mason Battalion—organized no date given.
Major J. B. Harris. Appointed, May 8 1861.

Adair Guards, Columbia. Organized May 19 1860.
Captain, William E. Russell.
First Lieutenant, W. H. Spencer.
Second Lieutenant, James W. Atkins.
Third Lieutenant, William S. Turpin.
Reorganized Jul. 13 1861:
Captain, Simeon Cravins.
First Lieutenant, Nat Gaither, Jr.
Second Lieutenant, James W. Atkins.
Third Lieutenant, William S. Turpin.

Anderson Guards, Lawrenceburg. Organized August 1861.
Captain, Gran Utterback.
First Lieutenant, James F. Witherspoon/J. K. Gaines.
Second Lieutenant, W. H. Bowen.
Third Lieutenant, S. E. Bratton.

Ballard Guards, Blandville. Organized May 18 1860.
Captain, Charles Wickliffe.
First Lieutenant, William M. Coffey.
Second Lieutenant, L. J. Sherrell.
Third Lieutenant, John Woodfork.
Woodville Cavalry, Woodville. Organized no date given.
Captain, not listed.
First Lieutenant, not listed.
Second Lieutenant, not listed.
Third Lieutenant, not listed.

Glasgow Guards, Glasgow. Organized Aug. 28 1860.
Captain, Joseph P. Nuckols.
First Lieutenant, Willis G. Thompson.
Second Lieutenant, Roch F. Robb.
Third Lieutenant, no election.
Rocky Hill Guards, Barren County. Organized Feb. 16 1861.
Captain, D. P. Barclay.
First Lieutenant, J. G. Hudson.
Second Lieutenant, S. J. Mathews.
Third Lieutenant, N. D. Clayton.

Boone Guards, Union. Organized Feb. 18 1861.
Captain, J. Milton Stansifer.
First Lieutenant, Volney Dickerson.
Second Lieutenant, B. H. Stansifer.
Third Lieutenant, W. C. Stansifer.

Bourbon Rangers, North Middletown. Organized May 12 1860.
Captain, James W. Stivers/Joseph W. Stears.
First Lieutenant, J. T. Harris.
Second Lieutenant, H. C. Hutchcraft.
Third Lieutenant, J. B. Stivers.
Flat Rock Greys, Flat Rock. Organized May 19 1860.
Captain, William P. Bramlette.
First Lieutenant, H. T. Wilson.
Second Lieutenant, N. W. Fowle.
Third Lieutenant, J. T. DeGarnett.
Hamilton Guards, Paris. Organized May 20 1861.
Captain, John S. Hope.
First Lieutenant, Sam Hawes.
Second Lieutenant, none listed.
Third Lieutenant, none listed.

Bozaris Grays, Germantown. Bracken and Mason Counties. Organized Jul. 4 1860.
Captain, J. B. Harris.
First Lieutenant, J. M. Nolen.
Second Lieutenant, J. R. Wilson.
Third Lieutenant, E. J. Thompson.

Mountain Greys, Jackson. Organized no date listed.
Captain, John W. Cardwell.
First Lieutenant, James Henderson Hargis.
Second Lieutenant, George W. Calmes.
Third Lieutenant, A. C. Bowman.

Bitter Water Blues, Shepherdsville. Organized May 14 1860.
Captain, Philip Lee.
First Lieutenant, A. H. Field.
Second Lieutenant, James W. Rogers.
Third Lieutenant, James W. Hoagland.
Hays Guards, Mt. Washington. Organized May 29 1861.
Captain, R. A. Shadburn.
First Lieutenant, R. H. Goode.
Second Lieutenant, James Pratt.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, Richard Pratt.
Mt. Washington Guards, Mt. Washington. Organized Feb. 16 1861.
Captain, J. H. Wright.
First Lieutenant, J. W. Stallings.
Second Lieutenant, Thomas J. Hall.
Third Lieutenant, A. R. Carothers.
Salt River Rangers, Pitts Point. Organized May 15 1860. Reorganized Nov. 28 1860.
Captain, Thomas H. Hays/John Henry Hollaway.
First Lieutenant, F. H. Foster.
Second Lieutenant, B. R. Myers/Allen Snellen.
Third Lieutenant, John Henry Hollaway/Allen Snellen/J. H. Sweeney.

Beauregards, Princeton. Organized Apr. 29 1861.
Captain, James M. Pearce.
First Lieutenant, Albert McGoodwin.
Second Lieutenant, Y. W. Rucker.
Third Lieutenant, R. S. McGoodwin.

Campbell Rangers, Alexandria. Organized Feb. 18 1861.
Captain, B. J. Beall.
First Lieutenant, H. K. Smith.
Second Lieutenant, T. J. Shaw.
Third Lieutenant, D. A. Thatcher.
Crittenden Guards, Flagg Spring. Organized Feb. 21 1861.
Captain John Calvin Demoss.
First Lieutenant Ben Newkirk.
Second Lieutenant, William Francis Corbin.
Third Lieutenant, Joseph Kinney.
Washington Artillery, Newport. Organized Mar. 6 1861.
Captain, George D. Allen/J. R. Ashton.
First Lieutenant, J. R. Ashton.
Second Lieutenant, Kenney L. How.
Third Lieutenant, J. B. Erwin.

Butler Guards, Carrollton. Organized Jun. 15 1861.
Captain, Henry Litner Giltner.
First Lieutenant, Moses Tandy Pryor.
Second Lieutenant, S. T. Strother.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, G. B. Giltner.
Carroll Greys, Ghent. Organized May 4 1861.
Captain, John G. Scott.
First Lieutenant, C. B. Lindsay.
Second Lieutenant, George D. Sebrer.
Third Lieutenant, James A. Bond.
Carrollton Riflemen, Carrollton. Organized Mar. 8 1861.
Captain, G. P. Gullion.
First Lieutenant, W. H. Vanpelt/L. O. Neal.
Second Lieutenant, L. O. Neal/Thomas M. Barrett.
Third Lieutenant, Thomas M. Barrett/Charles H. Powell.
Ghent Artillery, Ghent. Organized May 18 1861.
Captain, W. B. Lindsey.
First Lieutenant, J. J. Orr.
Second Lieutenant, W. G. Tilton.
Third Lieutenant, Robert Ellis.
Invincibles, Hunter's Bottom. Organized no date given.
Captain, W. J. Hoagland.
First Lieutenant, William H. Bradley.
Second Lieutenant, Henry Spillman.
Third Lieutenant, Jarrett Banks.

Winchester Guards, Winchester. Organized no date given.
Captain, L. C. Webster.
First Lieutenant, G. M. Jackson.
Second Lieutenant, Nelson T. Bush.
Third Lieutenant, H. S. Parrish.

Clinton Guards, Albany. Organized Jun. 4 1860.
Captain, H. S. Taylor.
First Lieutenant, W. D. Hopkins.
Second Lieutenant, William Perkins.
Third Lieutenant, J. P. Miller.

Griffith Guards, Owensboro. Organized Jul. 2 1861.
Captain, J. H. Millett.
First Lieutenant, Clinton McClarty.
Second Lieutenant, D. C. Hughes.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, T. H. Winstead.

Ashland Rifles, Lexington. Organized May 11 1861.
Captain, Robert J. Breckenridge, Jr./B. H. Allen.
First Lieutenant, C. W. Foushee.
Second Lieutenant, Thomas Frazier.
Third Lieutenant, none listed.
Lexington Cavalry Company, Lexington. Organized May 18 1861.
Captain, R. S. Bullock.
First Lieutenant, William C. P. Breckinridge.
Second Lieutenant, Benn F. Pettit.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, L. C. Graves.
Lexington Chasseurs, Lexington. Organized May 9 1860.
Captain Sanders D. Bruce.
First Lieutenant, John C. Cochran.
Second Lieutenant, William T. Matheny.
Third Lieutenant, C. H. Harvey.
Lexington Rifles, Lexington. Organized May 9 1860.
Captain, John Hunt Morgan.
First Lieutenant, Thomas B. Monroe/R. W. Nolley.
Second Lieutenant, Charles F. Calvert.
Third Lieutenant, William McCracken.
Old Lexington Infantry, Lexington. Organized Sept. 7 1860.
Captain, Samuel D. McCullough/S. W. Price.
First Lieutenant, S. W. Price/John B. Norton.
Second Lieutenant, John B. Norton/Richard H. Prewitt.
Third Lieutenant, Richard H. Prewitt/T. L. Lowny.
South Elkhorn Cavalry, Slickaway. Organized May 4 1861.
Captain, H. W. Worley.
First Lieutenant, George W. McMillan.
Second Lieutenant, D. S. Harris.
Third Lieutenant, Richard Stanhope.

Bridgeport Guards/Major Grays, Bridgeport. Organized May 11 1861.
Captain, E. O. Hawkins.
First Lieutenant, J. W. Jenkins.
Second Lieutenant, William H. Hall.
Third Lieutenant, J. T. Gaines.
Governor's Guards, Frankfort. Organized May 5 1860.
Captain, John B. Major.
First Lieutenant, Daniel W. Lindsey.
Second Lieutenant, George B. Monroe.
Third Lieutenant, George Bibb Burnley.
Reorganized Jul. 29 1861.
Captain, S. I. Major.
First Lieutenant, John M. Hewett.
Second Lieutenant, W. T. B. South.
Second Lieutenant, G. R. Vallandingham.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, Robert L. Russell.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, J. B. Montgomery.
Governor's Red Artillery, Frankfort. Organized no date given.
Captain, Sanford Goins.
First Lieutenant, C. T. Egbert.
Second Lieutenant, G. R. Vallandingham.
Third Lieutenant, F. M. Chambers.

Gallatin Rifles/Greys, Warsaw. Organized Feb. 16 1861.
Captain, J. J. Landram.
First Lieutenant, J. J. Crit Furnish
Second Lieutenant, S. P. Coffin.
Second Lieutenant, R. L. Ireland.
Third Lieutenant, J. H. Hoggin.

Boyed Grays, Baltimore. Organized Mar. 9 1861.
Captain, L. S. Slagden.
First Lieutenant, F. W. Kenneday.
Second Lieutenant, J. W. Bostwick.
Third Lieutenant, T. J. Gregory.
Dukedom Rifles, Dukedom (Cuba). Organized May 6 1861.
Captain, J. M. Emerson.
First Lieutenant, L. P. Ridgeway.
Second Lieutenant, B. F. Powell.
Third Lieutenant, J. F. Cayce.
Feliciana Invincible, Feliciana. Organized May 18 1861.
Captain, James G. Pirtle.
First Lieutenant, J. A. Collins.
Second Lieutenant, J. C. Williams.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, F. M. Cannon.
Mayfield Guards, Mayfield. Organized Feb. 23 1861.
Captain, A. R. Boone.
First Lieutenant, W. M. Cargill.
Second Lieutenant, A. J. Pryor.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, S. E. Lander.
Tilghman Grays, Dublin. Organized Mar. 8 1861.
Captain, C. W. Brooks.
First Lieutenant, B. S. Williams.
Second Lieutenant, M. L. Smith.
Third Lieutenant, N. L. Read.

Greensburg Guards, Greensburg. Organized May 10 1860.
Captain, Edward H. Hobson.
First Lieutenant, Charles D. Moore.
Second Lieutenant, John A. Adair.
Third Lieutenant, Benjamin B. Scott.
Reorganized Jan. 8 1861.
Captain, Charles D. Moore.
First Lieutenant, John A. Adair.
Second Lieutenant, Benjamin B. Scott.
Third Lieutenant, Ossian F. Ward.

Greenup Guards, Greenupsburg (Greenup). Organized Mar. 16 1861.
Captain, William S. Kowns.
First Lieutenant, J. L. Warring.
Second Lieutenant, J. H. Blake.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, John P. Twyford.
Tygart Guards, Springville (South Portsmouth). Organized Apr. 22 1861.
Captain, Charles Kinney.
First Lieutenant, W. B. Thompson.
Second Lieutenant, John T. Thompson.
Third Lieutenant, A. B. Thompson/Moses A. Pickens.

Hancock Rifles, Hawesville. Organized Apr. 27 1861.
Captain, William Bader.
First Lieutenant, Samuel Hugs.
Second Lieutenant, James A. Munday.
Third Lieutenant, John S. Lamar.

Caffer Guards, Elizabethtown. Organized Jun. 10 1861.
Captain, G. W. Mason.
First Lieutenant, Harvey Miller.
Second Lieutenant, Edward J. Freeman.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, William J. Grisling.
Hardin County Rifles/Light Infantry, Elizabethtown. Organized May 15 1860.
Captain, Martin H. Cofer.
First Lieutenant, M. R. McCulloch.
Second Lieutenant, Charles H. Thomas.
Third Lieutenant, Lucien B. Miller.

Harrison Rifles, Cynthiana. Organized May 14 1860.
Captain, H. M. McDowell/Joseph Desha/James N. Frazier.
First Lieutenant, Joseph Desha/James N. Frazier/D. G. Hale.
Second Lieutenant, James N. Frazier/William H. Roberts/R. H. Innis.
Third Lieutenant, William H. Roberts/D. G. Hale.
Jackson Rifles, Cynthiana. Organized May 29 1861.
Captain, Benjamin Desha.
First Lieutenant, W. W. Cleary.
Second Lieutenant, T. W. Anderson.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, A. J. Beale.
Kentucky Guards, Leesburg. Organized May 12 1860.
Captain, L. B. Offutt/R. F. Arnet.
First Lieutenant, James T. Brock.
Second Lieutenant, A. M. Anderson
Third Lieutenant, J. M. Hill.
McDowell Guards, Cynthiana. Organized Jan. 26 1861.
Captain, W. S. Rogers/R. M. Kelley.
First Lieutenant, R. M. Kelley/J. M. Givens/James A. Withers.
Second Lieutenant, A. Welsh.
Third Lieutenant, O. Kennard.

Hart County Rifles, Rowletts (Horse Cave). Organized Jun. 8 1861.
Captain, P. L. Maxey.
First Lieutenant, W. E. Garnet.
Second Lieutenant, W. F. Gorin.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, W. L. Maxey.

Clayton Rifles, Henderson. Organized May 19 1860.
Captain, not listed.
First Lieutenant, not listed.
Second Lieutenant, not listed.
Third Lieutenant, not listed.
Henderson Cavalry, Henderson. Organized Aug. 25 1860.
Captain, J. S. Norris.
First Lieutenant, Samuel M. Elam.
Second Lieutenant, S. S. Hicks.
Third Lieutenant, J. R. White.
Henderson Guards, Henderson. Organized May 23 1860.
Captain, E. G. Hall.
First Lieutenant, R. T. Glass.
Second Lieutenant, James H. Holloway.
Third Lieutenant, George L. Dixon.

New Castle Guards, New Castle. Organized Jul. 14 1860.
Captain, Harvey M. Buckley.
First Lieutenant, Joseph Brinker.
Second Lieutenant, Ben B. Gray.
Third Lieutenant, R. L. Shouse.

Clinton Rifles, Clinton. Organized May 19 1860.
Captain, W. Lindsay.
First Lieutenant, S. Watson Pennick.
Second Lieutenant, T. L. Dodge.
Third Lieutenant, Peter W. Galbraith.
Columbus Independent Guards, Columbus. Organized Jan. 23 1861.
Captain, George T. Barrett.
First Lieutenant, James Irwin.
Second Lieutenant, T. M. Horne.
Third Lieutenant, H. F. Lester.

Armstrong Guards, Louisville. Organized May 9 1861.
Captain, James G. Gorsuch.
First Lieutenant, R. Bany.
Second Lieutenant, Thomas Bany.
Third Lieutenant, Henry Buchanan.
Ben Adams Guards/National Greys, Louisville. Organized Mar. 22 1861.
Name changed July 1861.
Captain, D. W. Lawler/ D. Cleris Symmes.
First Lieutenant, G. W. Powell/L. S. Bartlett.
Second Lieutenant, J. F. Price.
Third Lieutenant, J. Reynolds.
Buckner Greys, Louisville. Organized Feb. 25 1861.
Captain, John G. P. Hooe.
First Lieutenant, W. P. Simpson.
Second Lieutenant, Thomas G. Magrane.
Third Lieutenant, George Buck Overton/H. Morgan.
Citizen Artillery, Louisville. Organized May 5 1860.
Captain, Joseph B. Watkins/David C. Stone.
First Lieutenant, David C. Stone/James A. Dunwoody.
Second Lieutenant, L. E. Duvall.
Third Lieutenant, John H. Wells/George P. Albert. Norris.
Reorganized Nov. 4 1860, as the Louisville Battery.
Captain, David C. Stone.
First Lieutenant, L. E. Duvall.
Second Lieutenant, U. B. Reaugh.
Third Lieutenant, J. N. Parrish.
Citizens' Guards, Louisville. Organized May 5 1860.
Captain, Alexander Casseday/J. H. Morton Morris/Robert Biggs.
First Lieutenant, J. H. Morton Morris/S. F. Chipley/Thomas J. Clay.
Second Lieutenant, S. F. Chipley/Roberts Biggs/S. S. Craik.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, Thomas J. Clay/J. Val. Cowling.
Third Lieutenant, John M. Semple/Thomas J. Clay/William Mangan.
Reorganized August 1861, Company A & B, Citizens' Guards.
In August 1861, the Citizen Guard was reorganized into Company A, under Captain
Robert Biggs; and Company B, under command of First Lieutenant Thomas J. Clay.
Clay Chasseurs, Louisville. Organized Apr. 20 1861.
Captain, Charles D. Jacobs.
First Lieutenant, James H. Huber.
Second Lieutenant, B. F. Karsner.
Third Lieutenant, Guy Flusser.
Garvin Rifles, Louisville. Organized May 7 1861.
Captain, William Mangan.
First Lieutenant, T. M. Smith.
Second Lieutenant, Harry Watson.
Third Lieutenant, Frank Quinn.
Gay Guards, Louisville. Organized Jun. 7 1861.
Captain, E. D. Ricketts.
First Lieutenant, J. Taylor Berry.
Second Lieutenant, S. S. Meddis.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, S. R. Green.
Harper Light Artillery, Louisville. Organized no date given.
Captain, not listed.
First Lieutenant, not listed.
Second Lieutenant, not listed.
Third Lieutenant, not listed.
Hunt Guards, Louisville. Organized Jan. 12 1861.
Captain, Dr. D. W. Lawler/Clarence J. Prentice/Alex Evans.
First Lieutenant, Joseph A. Zanone.
Second Lieutenant, William Preston Graves.
Third Lieutenant, George P. Talbot.
Independent Marion Rifle Zouaves, Louisville. Organized no date given.
Captain, Jack Hughes.
First Lieutenant, none listed.
Second Lieutenant, none listed.
Third Lieutenant, none listed.
Jackson Guards, Louisville. Organized May 11 1860. Reorganized May 24 1861.
Captain, James McDermott/Patrick Bannon/P. H. O'Connor.
First Lieutenant, Patrick Bannon/D. P. Maxey.
Second Lieutenant, D. P. Maxey/Martin Shelley.
Third Lieutenant, Thomas Flynn.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, William Campbell.
Johnston Rifles, Louisville. Organized May 18 1861.
Captain, J. C. Johnston, Jr.
First Lieutenant, Thomas T. Summers.
Second Lieutenant, J. J. Schoenberger.
Third Lieutenant, Fred Lentsch.
Kentucky Rangers, Louisville. Organized Feb. 2 1861.
Captain, Benson Ormsby.
First Lieutenant, James W. Bowles.
Second Lieutenant, Wallace W. Herr.
Third Lieutenant, George E. Russell.
Kentucky Riflemen, Louisville. Organized Apr. 24 1861.
Captain, John McGill.
First Lieutenant, Phillip T. German.
Second Lieutenant, Charles Vonderhite.
Third Lieutenant, H. W. Rau.
Louisville Life Guards, Louisville. Organized Jun. 21 1860.
Captain, John B. McKown/Ellis L. Aker/John Turner.
First Lieutenant, John B. McKown.
Second Lieutenant, James W. Looney/Leonard B. Lawrence.
Third Lieutenant, A. B. Wynn/Andrew J. Gump.
Louisville Zouaves, Louisville. Organized Jun. 7 1861.
Captain, Thomas W. Thompson/Russell M. Cunningham/John H. Weller.
First Lieutenant, John H. Weller/Robert S. Shanks/Alonzo Montcalm.
Second Lieutenant, Alonzo Montcalm/William Irvin.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, Thomas W. Meade.
Magoffin Greys, Louisville. Organized Apr. 22 1861.
Captain, Preston Rogers.
First Lieutenant, William D. Chipley.
Second Lieutenant, Henry G. Davidson.
Third Lieutenant, William Ernst.
Marion Rifles, Company A, Louisville. Organized Jun. 9 1860.
Captain, James B. Harvey.
First Lieutenant, J. G. Jones/R. G. Hawkins.
Second Lieutenant, J. N. Shepherd.
Third Lieutenant, J. H. Weinadel.
Marion Rifles, Company B, Louisville. Organized Jun. 12 1860.
Captain, L. B. Lovett.
First Lieutenant, Joseph R. Peach.
Second Lieutenant, William S. Phillips/Joseph H. Kemp.
Third Lieutenant, W. G. Stone/William Mangan.
Musselman Riflemen, Louisville. Organized no date given.
Captain, William Patterson.
First Lieutenant, Joseph Hey.
Second Lieutenant, W. T. Evans.
Third Lieutenant, D. R. Musselman.
National Blues, Louisville. Organized May 8 1860.
Captain, A. L. Symmes/William Logan Clarke.
First Lieutenant, William Logan Clarke.
Second Lieutenant, Henry C. Anderson.
Third Lieutenant, T. E. Elliott/William B. Hagen.
Reorganized Jun. 18 1861.
Captain, W. L. Clarke.
First Lieutenant, J. H. Luthers.
Second Lieutenant, S. H. Buchanan
Brevet Second Lieutenant, W. McCready.
Newcomb Greys, Louisville. Organized May 14 1861.
Captain, N. H. Childs.
First Lieutenant, L. W. Tucker.
Second Lieutenant, J. S. Evans.
Third Lieutenant, O. Ellis.
Ormsby Guards, Louisville. Organized Jan. 15 1861.
Captain, John D. Pope.
First Lieutenant, Phil M. Victor.
Second Lieutenant, R. B. Pennington.
Third Lieutenant, Charles W. Kleisendorff.
Preston Greys, Louisville. Organized Apr. 26 1861.
Captain, William Bell.
First Lieutenant, John T. G. Galt/William Irwin.
Second Lieutenant, J. W. Ghiselin.
Third Lieutenant, William Irwin.
Stokes Fencibles, Louisville. Organized no date given.
Captain, Frank Tyron.
First Lieutenant, not listed.
Second Lieutenant, not listed.
Third Lieutenant, not listed.
Walker Rangers/Guards, Fisherville. Organized May 4 1861.
Captain, George W. Walker.
First Lieutenant, F. H. Gilliland.
Second Lieutenant, S. P. Missex.
Third Lieutenant, M. L. Reid.
Washington Riflemen, Louisville. Organized Sept. 3 1860.
Captain, Christian N. Knapp/Peter Emge.
First Lieutenant, Peter Emge/Louis Schwertz.
Second Lieutenant, Fredrick Buckner.
Third Lieutenant, Carl Kuhl.
Yandell Greys, Louisville. Organized no date given.
Captain, John H. Weller.
First Lieutenant, none listed.
Second Lieutenant, none listed.
Third Lieutenant, none listed.

Jessamine Rifles, Nicholasville. Organized May 26 1860.
Captain, T. W. Olds.
First Lieutenant, George M. Wetmore.
Second Lieutenant, William H. Daniels.
Third Lieutenant, H. H. Daniels.

Buckner Guards, Covington. Organized Jan. 12 1861.
Captain, Hubbard T. Buckner/William Repass/John R. Pirtle.
First Lieutenant, B. Delany.
Second Lieutenant, Ben Conner/Philip Orr/Joseph A. Smith.
Third Lieutenant, Woodford Arnold.
Home Guard of Covington/Maderia Guards, Covington. Organized no date given.
Captain, --- Maderia.
First Lieutenant, S. V. Reid/--- Blackburn.
Second Lieutenant, not listed.
Third Lieutenant, not listed.
Independent Kentucky Rovers, Covington. Organized no date given.
Captain, not listed.
First Lieutenant, not listed.
Second Lieutenant, not listed.
Third Lieutenant, not listed.
Kenton Cadets, Covington. Organized no date given.
Captain, not listed.
First Lieutenant, not listed.
Second Lieutenant, not listed.
Third Lieutenant, not listed.
Kentucky Grays, Covington. Organized May 23 1860.
Captain, Samuel K. Hays.
First Lieutenant, Alford Martin.
Second Lieutenant, J. W. Lehman/James W. Tyrack.
Third Lieutenant, James W. Tyrack/James M. Blackburne.
Marion Artillery, Covington. Organized Feb. 28 1861.
Captain, R. Richardson.
First Lieutenant, Nathaniel Pratte.
Second Lieutenant, John Thompson.
Third Lieutenant, M. T. Champion.

Logan Guards, Russellville. Organized May 28 1860.
Captain, George R. Bibb.
First Lieutenant, Thomas J. Jeffres.
Second Lieutenant, John H. Caldwell.
Third Lieutenant, John Creighton.

Lyon County Company, Eddyville. Organized May 13 1861.
Captain, H. B. Lyon.
First Lieutenant, R. Cobb.
Second Lieutenant, F. P. Gracey.
Third Lieutenant, John Leonard.

Magoffin Cavalry, Richmond. Organized Jun. 3 1861.
Captain, E. F. Halloway.
First Lieutenant, Edward W. Turner.
Second Lieutenant, J. F. Oldham.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, Joe Collins.
Silver Creek Rangers, Madison County. Organized Jun. 17 1861.
Captain, DeWitt White.
First Lieutenant, J. Maupin.
Second Lieutenant, E. H. Ballard.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, Allen Conn.

Benton Guards, Benton. Organized May 18 1861.
Captain, T. C. Edwards.
First Lieutenant, J. T. Walpole.
Second Lieutenant, J. E. Morgan.
Third Lieutenant, L. V. Stice.

Bozaris Grays, Germantown. Bracken and Mason Counties. Organized Jul. 4 1860.
Captain, J. B. Harris.
First Lieutenant, J. M. Nolen.
Second Lieutenant, J. R. Wilson.
Third Lieutenant, E. J. Thompson.
Marion Artillery, Maysville. Organized Apr. 27 1861.
Captain, J. Nelson.
First Lieutenant, Jerry F. Young.
Second Lieutenant, William Forman.
Third Lieutenant, Henry E. Pogue.
Mason Rifles, Maysville. Organized Mar. 1 1861.
Captain, Charles G. Cady.
First Lieutenant, Horatio N. Cox.
Second Lieutenant, George W. Sulser.
Third Lieutenant, Samuel T. Forman.
Ringgold Artillery, Mayslick. Organized May 10 1861.
Captain, Thomas W. Wheatley.
First Lieutenant, John Small.
Second Lieutenant, Joshua H. Watson.
Third Lieutenant, Charles Clarke.

Magoffin Artillery, Paducah. Organized Apr. 17 1861.
Captain, Littleton Cooke.
First Lieutenant, R. B. Sloan.
Second Lieutenant, Powhotan Ellis, Jr.
Third Lieutenant, George W. Wolfolk.
Montgomery Guards, Paducah. Organized May 15 1861.
Captain, J. G. Daly.
First Lieutenant, John W. Bourke.
Second Lieutenant, Thomas Hallerane.
Third Lieutenant, John Jennings.
Paducah City Guards, Paducah. Organized Jun. 16 1860.
Captain, Lloyd Tilghman.
First Lieutenant, John S. Shields.
Second Lieutenant, E. Graham Atkinson/E. T. Woodford.
Third Lieutenant, D. C. Wilcox.
Woodville Cavalry, Woodville. Organized Apr. 23 1861.
Captain, R. D. Gholson.
First Lieutenant, W. W. Faulkner.
Second Lieutenant, R. S. Hill.
Third Lieutenant, W. S. Gholson.

Harrods Guards, Harrodsburg. Organized Dec. 28 1860.
Captain, Phil B. Thompson.
First Lieutenant, S. W. Bingham.
Second Lieutenant, B. F. Hardesty.
Third Lieutenant, J. Wickersham.
Mercer Horsemen, Harrodsburg. Organized Jun. 1 1861.
Captain, W. C. Cooke.
First Lieutenant, W. S. Alexander.
Second Lieutenant, J. E. Hughes/James Q. Chenoweth.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, James Q. Chenoweth/Andrew M. Sea.

Monroe Guards, Tompkinsville. Organized Nov. 26 1860.
Captain, W. T. Buckner.
First Lieutenant, W. P. Wilcher.
Second Lieutenant, W. F. Evans.
Third Lieutenant, James Jackson.

Morgan Legion, Morgan County. Organized Jun. 1 1860.
Captain, William H. Taulbee.
First Lieutenant, David J. Lykens.
Second Lieutenant, H. B. Lykens.
Third Lieutenant, Thomas Bristow.
Mountain Rangers, West Liberty. Organized Jun. 9 1860.
Captain, W. S. Pierce.
First Lieutenant, John T. Hazeling.
Second Lieutenant, Milton B. Cox.
Third Lieutenant, John M. Perry.

Nelson Greys, Bardstown. Organized no date given.
Captain, Joseph Cripps Wickliffe.
First Lieutenant, N. A. Crouch.
Second Lieutenant, Howard Hynes.
Third Lieutenant, W. N. Breckham.
Stone Riflemen, Bloomfield. Organized Jun. 8 1861.
Captain, W. Davis McKay/Charles B. McCloskey.
First Lieutenant, Charles Dawson.
Second Lieutenant, Green C. Duncan/P. Lee McMakin.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, H. Clay McKay.

Hartford State Guards, Hartford. Organized May 16 1861.
Captain, John E. Pendleton.
First Lieutenant, Preston Morton.
Second Lieutenant, William G. Mitchell.
Third Lieutenant, Freedling W. Foreman.

Gibraltar Guards, Lusby's Mill (Lawrenceville). Organized Jun. 24 1861.
Captain, George Holbrook.
First Lieutenant, Alonzo Gaddy.
Second Lieutenant, W. R. Holbrook.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, Abner Acree.
Owen Rangers, New Liberty. Organized Mar. 2 1861.
Captain, Alexander Wake Holeman.
First Lieutenant, J. P. Orr.
Second Lieutenant, D. English.
Third Lieutenant, L. D. Alexander.
Owenton Guards, Owenton. Organized May 22 1860.
Captain, H. B. Theobald.
First Lieutenant, R. H. Munday.
Second Lieutenant, J. B. Roberts.
Third Lieutenant, J. M. Craigmyle.

Hays Rangers, Morgan Station. Organized Jun. 12 1861.
Captain, J. J. Fugate.
First Lieutenant, James F. Jenkins.
Second Lieutenant, W. N. Ewing.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, B. R. Henry.
Licking Rangers, Falmouth. Organized Jun. 15 1861.
Captain, J. M. Curry.
First Lieutenant, A. P. Hall.
Second Lieutenant, C. B. Woodson.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, E. A. W. Roberts.
Pendleton Grays, Falmouth. Organized Sept. 6 1860.
Captain, M. Mullins.
First Lieutenant, James Hudnall.
Second Lieutenant, A. J. Hall.
Third Lieutenant, W. C. Hall.

Pulaski Sentinels, Somerset. Organized Jul. 7 1860.
Captain, William Brent Perkins.
First Lieutenant, Alfred L. Allcorn.
Second Lieutenant, John W. Colyer.
Third Lieutenant, H. B. Smith.

Mt. Vernon Guards, Mt. Vernon. Organized Jun. 25 1860.
Captain, J. Newcom.
First Lieutenant, W. A. Brooks.
Second Lieutenant, N. Whitaker.
Third Lieutenant, George W. Payne, Jr.

Big Eagle Invincibles, Scott County. Organized Jun. 4 1861.
Captain, J. W. Field.
First Lieutenant, J. M. Barlow.
Second Lieutenant, Thomas D. Neale.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, Joseph Fields.
Eagle Guards, Turkeyfoot (Delaplain). Organized Jun. 1 1861.
Captain, James L. Adams.
First Lieutenant, Richard Antle.
Second Lieutenant, James G. Burgess.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, Thomas B. Hiles.
Union Greys, Georgetown. Organized May 9 1860.
Captain, William H. Story.
First Lieutenant, George F. Allgaier.
Second Lieutenant, S. W. Long.
Third Lieutenant, John Foster.
Reorganized Jun. 11 1861.
Captain, S. W. Long.
First Lieutenant, John Foster.
Second Lieutenant, George W. Jackson.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, J. F. M. Lemon.
Reorganized Aug. 19 1861.
Captain, Ben F. Bradley.
First Lieutenant, George. F. Allgaier.
Second Lieutenant, John J. West.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, James E. Cantrell.

Minnie Grays, Shelbyville. Organized Jun. 9 1860.
Captain, Walter C. Whitaker.
First Lieutenant, R. T. Owens.
Second Lieutenant, W. B. Allen.
Third Lieutenant, John T. Davis, Jr.
Shelby Guards, Simpsonville. Organized May 19 1860.
Captain, W. G. Welch/John G. Jones.
First Lieutenant, John G. Jones/R. H. George.
Second Lieutenant, R. H. George/John R. Hinkle.
Third Lieutenant, J. L. Gregg/George E. Hemeck.
Unnamed Company, Mount Eden. Organized Mar. 30 1861.
Captain, Elisha Hedden.
First Lieutenant, James K. Snyder.
Second Lieutenant, B. M. Houser.
Third Lieutenant, J. W. Gray.

Buckner Greys, Franklin. Organized Feb. 1 1861.
Captain, S. B. Crewdson.
First Lieutenant, R. Claypool.
Second Lieutenant, J. C. Bell.
Third Lieutenant, D. A. Caldwell.

Howard Guards, Taylorsville. Organized May 18 1861.
Captain, T. L. Bennett.
First Lieutenant, James L. Davess.
Second Lieutenant, Quinton Bennett.
Third Lieutenant, James Beauchamp.

Bedford Greys, Bedford. Organized Apr. 27 1861.
Captain, W. W. Pierce.
First Lieutenant, J. V. Newkirk.
Second Lieutenant, J. R. Sanders.
Third Lieutenant, A. P. Pierce.
Locust Invincibles, Milton. Organized Apr. 27 1861.
Captain, M. J. Hoagland.
First Lieutenant, W. H. Bradley.
Second Lieutenant, H. Spelman.
Third Lieutenant, S. G. Banks.
Milton Greys, Milton. Organized Apr. 27 1861.
Captain, John M. Floyd.
First Lieutenant, John S. Fisher.
Second Lieutenant, James T. Buchanan.
Third Lieutenant, Leonard S. Norvell.
Trimble Invincibles, Milton. Organized May 4 1861.
Captain, H. A. Moore.
First Lieutenant, G. W. Snyder.
Second Lieutenant, Samuel P. Duncan.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, J. R. Barclay.
Trimble Rifles, Bedford. Organized Jun. 9 1860.
Captain, Nathan A. Parker.
First Lieutenant, W. L. Garriott/J. C. Mitchell.
Second Lieutenant, James L. Hall.
Third Lieutenant, Arthur W. Smith.

Uniontown Rifles/Riflemen, Uniontown. Organized May 30 1860.
Captain, D. Ruffner/J. M. Fitz-Henry.
First Lieutenant, G. F. Higginson/J. A. McKearney.
Second Lieutenant, W. S. Phillips.
Third Lieutenant, Charles H. Hamilton.

Kentucky Light Infantry, Bowling Green. Organized Jul. 22 1860.
Captain, William Brown.
First Lieutenant, James T. Johnson.
Second Lieutenant, W. S. Spaulding/Bennet Burnham.
Third Lieutenant, W. C. Higginbotham.
Warren Artillery, Bowling Green. Organized Dec. 1 1860.
Captain, W. B. Winans.
First Lieutenant, W. H. Spence.
Second Lieutenant, E. H. Hodge.
Third Lieutenant, G. T. Kinnard.
Warren Voltiguers, Bowling Green. Organized May 15 1860.
Captain, P. B. Hawkins/C. R. Edwards.
First Lieutenant, C. R. Edwards/James P. Coleman.
Second Lieutenant, Charles E. McLane.
Third Lieutenant, William LeRoy Dulaney.

Beechfork Rangers, Fredericktown. Organized Jun. 9 1860.
Captain, James A. Buckman.
First Lieutenant, Fred M. Hill.
Second Lieutenant, R. W. Wathen.
Third Lieutenant, L. A. Hamilton.

Campton/Wolfe Greys, Campton. Organized Dec. 1 1860.
Captain, George W. Cox.
First Lieutenant, John G. Asberry.
Second Lieutenant, John T. Fortner.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, Thomas Steele.
Wolfe Rangers, Wolfe County. Organized Jun. 9 1860.
Captain, John C. Lewis.
First Lieutenant, William Bristow.
Second Lieutenant, Joseph R. Lawson.
Third Lieutenant, Caleb May.

Hanson Guards, Midway. Organized May 18 1861.
Captain, C. H. Buford.
First Lieutenant, John M. Davis.
Second Lieutenant, Frank May.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, Thomas M. Hughes.
Woodford Blues, Versailles. Organized May 10 1860.
Captain, H. H. Culbertson.
First Lieutenant, W. H. Cressey.
Second Lieutenant, Joseph C. Bailey.
Third Lieutenant, William G. Stone.
Woodford Grays, Millville. Organized Jul. 17 1860.
Captain, James S. Whittington.
First Lieutenant, James W. Smith.
Second Lieutenant, S. J. Miles.
Third Lieutenant, Joseph Gorbett, Jr.

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