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Tag: Departure Ceremony

Departure Ceremony for Kentucky Guardsmen deploying to Southwest Asia
August 14, 2023
Col. Steve Mattingly speaks to Soldiers with the 138th Field Artillery Brigade during a departure ceremony in Lexington, Ky., Aug. 13, 2023. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by 1st. Sgt. Scott Raymond)

Kentucky Aviators say their goodbyes, set to deploy to Africa
November 16, 2022
Four Soldiers with Detachment 4, Charlie Company, 2/245th Aviation Regiment, 63rd Theater Aviation Battalion will be charged with flying C-12 King Air fixed wing aircraft in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. During their deployment they will be providing air movement support throughout the Africa Command’s (AFRICOM) area of responsibility.

Kentucky’s 438th MP’s head to Kosovo
January 6, 2022
The 438th MP Co., based out of Murray, Ky, will be heading to Kosovo for a year-long mission to provide Military Police Liaison Officer Support to Operation Joint Guardian.

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