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Tag: JAG Corps

KYARNG Judge Advocates complete Basic Trial Advocacy Course
July 5, 2023
Eight Kentucky Army National Guard Judge Advocate Generals (JAG) recently completed the Basic Trial Advocacy Course (BTAC) at Fort Belvoir, Virginia from May 7-15, 2023. The course, hosted by the Trial Counsel Assistance Program (TCAP), marked the National Guard's first training session at TCAP.

Malawi Defense Force JAG visits Boone Center, Guard Staff Judge Advocates
May 17, 2022
Soldiers with the Kentucky National Guard's legal team hosted Brig. Gen. Dan Kuwali of the Malawi Defense Force, for a 2-day visit that included a tour of Kentucky's Capital building and presentations to Guardsmen Apr. 21-22.

Kentucky JAG officers promote to colonel on same day
November 17, 2021
The event took place with family, friends and colleagues in attendance.

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