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Building Renaming Ceremony Honors CW5 (Ret.) Joe Wilkins
May 28, 2024
Frances Wilkins, widow of Chief Warrant Officer 5 Joe Wilkins, holds the plaque for the building renaming in remembrance of Joe Wilkins at Wendell H. Ford Regional Training Center (WHFRTC) in Greenville, Kentucky on May 24, 2024. Joe Wilkins was one of the three full-time employees who made WHFRTC a major state training site. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Andy Dickson)

Kentucky National Guard selects the Best Warriors of 2024
November 8, 2023
Soldiers who competed in Kentucky's Best Warrior Competition received trophies during a ceremony held in Wendell H. Ford Regional Training Center in Greenville, Kentucky, November 5, 2023. From left: Spc. Jackie Zheng, Soldier of the Year; Command Sgt. Maj. Benzie Timberlake, 75th Troop Command; Sgt. Jerry Marksbury III, NCO of the Year Runner-Up; Sgt. Robert Buck, NCO of the Year; Command Sgt. Maj. Aaron Lester, 149th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade; and Spc. Stephen Shelton, Soldier of the Year Runner-Up.  (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Capt. Cody Stagner)

June 30, 2021
Tick collection at WHFRTC

LTC Joiner takes charge of Kentucky Training Institute
April 18, 2021
Lt. Col. Allen Joiner assumes command

Kentucky Guard Soldiers take part in leadership course
March 13, 2020

149th Engineers raise the roof of training possibilities in Kentucky
August 20, 2012
Spc. Roscoe Click, Spc. Matthew Peck and Sgt. Joshua Brown, all of the 149th Vertical Engineer Company, curve steel panels to form a section of a roof for a K-span building at Wendell H. Ford Regional Training Center in Greenville, Ky., Aug. 20, 2012.

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