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Tag: 1-149th Infantry

1-149th Infantry Battalion Mountain Warriors enters the run phase of training
July 31, 2024
In addition to cooking 1900 meals, I Co. supported the battalion by distributing more than 3200 gallons of fuel, delivering 192,000 rounds of ammunition, and preforming annual maintenance on 25 percent of vehicles in the battalion during annual training

National Guard Armory named after NCO who served decades to the Guard
September 25, 2023
The wife of 1st Sgt. Ottis W. Capps, Sherry [left] and their two sons, Jeff and Jason, unveil the new bronze plaque at the Harlan National Guard Armory in Harlan, Kentucky on Sept. 21, 2023. The National Guard armory was named after 1st Sgt. Ottis W. Capps who served as the Alpha Company, 1-149th Infantry full-time support for over 30 years and was a cornerstone of the Harlan National Guard community during his career. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Andy Dickson)

A Call to Action
April 12, 2022
U.S. Army Sgt. Jessey McDaniel, an infantryman with Delta Company, 1st Battalion, 149th Infantry Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Kentucky National Guard, and member of one of Kosovo Force's Liaison Monitoring Teams, poses for a photograph at Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo, April 8, 2022. McDaniel, a native of Lexington, Ky., is part of the U.S.'s 30th rotation of the KFOR mission, which is committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all people of Kosovo.  (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Alexander Hellmann 1-149 INF)

Bosslift gives inside perspective to Guardsmen civilian’s employees
January 12, 2022
Employers of Soldiers from 1-149th deploying January 2022 flew from Boone National Guard Center in Frankfort to Fort Knox on a Blackhawk on December 10, 2021. 

The mission, called Bosslift, is organized by Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, or ESGR, to allow bosses to see their Soldiers preparing for mobilization.

Long assumes responsibility of Mountain Warrior battalion
July 31, 2021
1-149th Infantry Change of Responsibility 2021

Mountain Warriors Change of Command
April 18, 2021
1-149th INF "Mountain Warriors" Change of Command

Kentucky Guard Assists with Vaccine Rollout
March 6, 2021
Kentucky Army National Guard Spc. Paulo Salazar with the 101st Main Command Post Operational Detachment, 75th Troop Command, coordinates with a civilian staff member from Med Center Health during the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Bowling Green, Ky., March 6, 2021. Soldiers from across Kentucky are assisting with vaccine rollouts in Bowling Green, Lexington, and Louisville. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Paul Glover)

1-149th conducts Patching Ceremony with Virginia Army National Guard unit
September 15, 2017

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