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Engineer battalions receive Dedication Plaque
June 27, 2024
— The 201st and 206th Engineer Battalions from the 149th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade were recently honored with the prestigious "Dedication Plaque" during Engineer Regimental week in the Essayons Room at Fort Leonard Wood, April 24, 2024...
Enhancing readiness, building relationships in Alaska
June 27, 2024
— The 201st Engineer "Workhorse" Battalion made significant strides in enhancing their readiness and building valuable relationships through their participation in the Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) program in Cordova, June 2024. ...
Gold Star Families share tenth cruise on the Ohio River
June 12, 2024
— More than 350 family members of Service members lost in the line of duty gathered on the Belle of Cincinnati June 2, 2024, to attend the tenth SOS Riverboat Ride along the Ohio River...
Director of Operations promoted to Colonel
June 5, 2024
— Kentucky Army National Guard Col. John Harvey was promoted during a ceremony in front of his family, friends, and colleagues inside the Wellman Auditorium at the Boone National Guard Center on May 24, 2024. The ceremony highlighted the remarkable career and achievements of Harvey, showcasing his dedication and commitment to service...
Kentucky Army National Guard, Amteck forge strategic partnership benefiting all Army Soldiers through PaYS Program
May 21, 2024
— The Kentucky Army National Guard hosted the signing of a partnership agreement between Amteck and the U.S. Army Partnership for Success (PaYS) program at Amteck headquarters, May 20, 2024. Maj. Gen. Hal B. Lamberton, Kentucky's Adjutant General signed the memorandum of agreement and spoke on the connection between the PaYS program and the military. “Whether you’re in the Army National Guard, active duty, or a Soldier in the Army Reserves, and even when you end your time in service or retire, you are still a Soldier,” said Lamberton. “So, for the Army PaYS Program, it really kind of mirrors that dynamic, and it’s a dynamic of taking care of our folks while they are currently serving in uniform and beyond their service.”...
Kentucky Alpha competes in 53rd Winston P. Wilson Small Arms Championship
May 10, 2024
— Four Soldiers from the Kentucky Army National Guard competed in the 53rd Winston P. Wilson (WPW) national rifle and pistol marksmanship championship in Camp Robinson, April 27-May 3. This event, hosted and sponsored by the National Guard Marksmanship Training Center and the 233rd Regional Training Institute Sniper Instructors, exemplifies the high-level training designed to enhance and ensure the National Guard is a lethal and ready force that is capable of addressing our nation's challenges. There were 192 competitors that attended this year's event, making 48, four-man teams. They traveled from 44 states and territories and included U.S. allies from as far away as the Netherlands...
Army Lt. Col. Todd Reed was honored during a retirement ceremony
March 7, 2024
— Army Lt. Col. Todd Reed was recognized for his distinguished military career during his retirement ceremony held at the Boone National Guard Center in Frankfort, March 1, 2024. Reed served in the Army for 37 years, where he spent the past five years as the inspector general (IG) for the Kentucky National Guard...
Kentucky Guard signal leaders swap knowledge, build relationships with counterparts in partner nation Djibouti
September 12, 2022
— Although the early-morning sun was still low in the sky, temperatures were already hovering near 100 degrees, as a small group of Kentucky National Guard signal leaders made their way in utility vehicles across the rugged, barren terrain of sunbaked Djibouti, a small country in East Africa...
Guarding from a Distance: One Kentucky Officer’s Non-Traditional Approach to serving the Commonwealth
August 10, 2022
— An in-depth look at one Kentucky Officer’s Non-Traditional Approach to serving the Kentucky National Guard...
Malawi Defense Force JAG visits Boone Center, Guard Staff Judge Advocates
May 17, 2022
— Soldiers with the Kentucky National Guard's legal team hosted Brig. Gen. Dan Kuwali of the Malawi Defense Force, for a 2-day visit that included a tour of Kentucky's Capital building and presentations to Guardsmen Apr. 21-22...
Guarding Thunder over Louisville: a Behind the Scenes Look at the Kentucky National Guard's Involvement in one of the State's Most Significant Annual Events
April 30, 2022
— On April 23rd the Louisville waterfront hosted the 33rd annual Thunder Over Louisville in coordination with the Kentucky Derby Festival. The Kentucky National Guard supported the event in several capacities from the air and on the ground. This is a behind-the-scenes story of the KYNG Thunder Over Louisville mission...
Kentucky Guardsman makes move to the Capital in support of the Commonwealth
February 16, 2022
— Over the past several years, leadership from the Kentucky Guard have picked up their lives to make D.C. their temporary home in support of the Commonwealth's mission. As Hart completes ILE in preparation for the next chapter of his career, it is evident that his work ethic, his pursuit of opportunity, and his voice will be essential for the organization's future for years to come...
Kentucky Soldiers awarded for their work during pandemic
December 6, 2021
— Representatives with Sayre Christian Village senior living community presented six service members from the 63rd Theater Aviation Brigade the LeadingAge Kentucky Distinguished Service Award and the Guardian Angel Award during a ceremony at the Army Aviation Support Facility hanger on Boone National Guard Center Dec. 2...
Kentucky National Guard Veteran restores howitzer
October 20, 2021
— A retired Kentucky National Guard member returned a decommissioned Howitzer to its former glory on Boone National Guard Center in Frankfort, Ky., during the summer of 2021...
A storied career comes to a close
December 7, 2019
— “It’s always been a team effort…” remarked Maj. Gen. Stephen R. Hogan, Adjutant General of Kentucky, about his time in service. Hogan’s 36 years of service draws to a close on Monday Dec. 9th after serving as The Adjutant General of the Kentucky National Guard and Department of Military Affairs for the last four years. Affectionately referred to as ‘TAG,’ Hogan was sworn in by Gov. Matt Bevin on Dec. 8, 2015 and hit the ground running...
Never too late to honor the fallen
July 13, 2019
— U.S. Marine Pvt. Carl Strong died March 14, 1945 in the Battle of Iwo Jima fighting for his country. On July 13, 2019, some 74 years after giving his life, Strong received full military honors surrounded by relatives, friends and fellow Marines during a memorial service held in Jackson, Ky. Kentucky National Guard Chaplain (Capt.) Tyler Shields of the 103rd Chemical Battalion had the privilege to preside over the service. “This memorial was significant because it shows that it’s never too late to do the right thing. It hits at the very core of our values; that we will never leave a fallen comrade even if 74 years have passed. Although he was forgotten for too many years, he wasn’t forgotten forever. Now, his service and sacrifice will always be remembered and he can finally rest in peace as an American hero.”...
Best Warrior Competition Highlights Kentucky Guard's Finest Soldiers
October 28, 2018
— Kentucky Guardsmen proved why they were deemed worthy to represent their respected brigades as they competed in the very challenging Best Warrior Competition (BWC) at the Wendell H. Ford Regional Training Center in Greenville, Ky., Oct. 25-29 to determine who would be the 2018 Soldiers of the Year...
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